Wind waker map grid
Wind waker map grid

wind waker map grid wind waker map grid

There are so many little touches - a goofy little sprat with a giant stream hanging out of his nose puffs of smoke swirl in the air as baddies fall to your sword currents of jet-blue water lap at the side of your boat, its sail tugged taut by the wind. It’s a wonder how expressive Link’s eyes are, how they dart back and forth as you move around the world, his strikingly blonde hair bobbing as he runs. With the HD treatment, The Wind Waker looks better than ever. Nintendo decided to gamble on an animated veneer over a more realistic approach, and it paid off in spades. The Wind Waker was a fantastic-looking game on the GameCube. The first thing you’ll notice is how vibrant everything looks. You finally get your hands on it again, for the first time in ten years. Holy crap, that game was amazing, you recount to yourself. When you hear that Nintendo is planning on re-releasing The Wind Waker in HD, your heart skips a beat. The obvious padding of the Triforce quest wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone says it was, right? You forget how empty and kind of pointless the giant expanse of water really was, that there’s so much wasted space, with minutes of thumb-twiddling between destinations. You gloss over the glaring pacing issues, because you want to believe that what you played was near-perfect. You’ll also probably remember sailing that ocean, exploring the breadth of its tumultuous waves for sunken treasure, and scouring the dotted islands for secrets. You probably remember the fantastic cartoon aesthetic, how full of emotion Link’s eyes were, how absolutely blue that ocean was. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is not the game you remember.

Wind waker map grid