Louis woman finds out on TV she's renting serial killer Maury Travis' home'. 'Virtual Trail Led to Serial Killer Suspect'.

Over the course of his two year killing spree, he brutally tortured, raped, and strangled upwards of twenty women all the. Maury Travis was one of the most vile predators of the early 2000’s.Their bodies were found in southern Illinois in 2002. Cold Case Minute: Maury Travis Police Seek Help Identifying Three Victims Of Serial Killer Who Videotaped Torture(CBS) Click to enlarge1 of 1 Illinois State Police are seeking help identifying these three women, who they suspect were victims of serial killer Maury Travis. I've seen some of Maury Travis' videos of his murders. I'm not squeamish, I've seen some terrible things. Quoting someone who uploaded a documentary on the Bittaker/Norris case and he obviously saw the Maury Travis tapes and heard the Bitakker/Norris Tapes 'For those who want to hear it, TRUST ME, you DON'T.