Even though Guerrilla Games claimed that it had no plans to add a FOV slider, there is actually one in the game. Moreover, it will have a benchmark tool, and a Field of View slider. Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC will support ultra-wide resolutions and monitors, 4K resolutions and unlocked framerates. We also don’t know whether the game uses the Denuvo anti-tamper tech or not. Since we don’t have access to the game yet, our article may be slightly delayed. Now while the publisher has not provided us with a review code, we’ll be sure to purchase the game for our PC Performance Analysis. The following videos will give you an idea of how the game looks on the PC on Ultra/High Settings. Thus, you can find below over one hour of gameplay footage from Horizon Zero Dawn PC. But this is all just guesswork, and until a offical statement, it is just hopes and fears.Sony has lifted the review embargo for the PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn. Only Playstation Mobile is sony's direct link to pc gaming, only a handful of games, and none of them could be considered AAA. Journey doesn't even use Denuvo, and even still they are publised by Annnapurna Interactive, not sony. This is also true for Death Standing, as the pc version is being published by 505 games. The Denuvo plagued games people remember are Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human, all of which where self published by Quantic Dreams themselves as they are something of a second party developer. Now others have said that sony has a history with Denuvo, but this is the first instance of sony themselves putting a AAA game on pc. But I guess Horizon zero dawn is more of a AAA game then those are, so that is why I still feel it is up in the air.

Mostly because the other games that where specifically published by Playstation mobile(Helldrivers, Guns up!, and Everybody's Gone to Rapture) have not used Denuvo and just used steam for DRM. I guess I'm just hopeful then, but I still believe it is possible that they could use just the steam implementation.