Top toolbar, left to right - Accesses sub menu showing where you can bring up your collection of weapons and various other information.

If you get one, try and maximise the benefits. It is 3 1/2 minutes of your life you won't get back but will help you in the game.īelow that Deputies. Usually sitting through 7 ads will get you 25 rubies, a battle pack and a random pick the first time you start up each day. You don't actually have to watch as the ads will run in the background if you want to use another program. Yes, it is a PITA to sit through endless repeats of the same ads for Gameloft games but you can collect quite a lot of useful things. Above all, please do not spend money you cannot afford on this or any other game. I have taken extended breaks of several months from this game and it was still there when I felt like going back. If you are not enjoying it then stop playing. I certainly do not consider myself an expert, more a slightly above average player and am still learning almost every time I play. If they do not work for you it may be that we have totally different approaches or that the game has been changed since I wrote that section of this guide. Any strategies or tactics I have outlined have worked for me. All such instances are factually correct and are intended to convey to newer players an idea of what sort of things they should be looking towards. Where I describe what I have done or what equipment, etc I have acquired, that is not intended as any form of bragging. This guide is written drawing on my personal experience of the game. As you gain experience your character rises in level. The game has several different ways you can progress.

You are not able to move around, you stay put and simply shoot any enemies in front of you. If anyone would like to write up a section on any of these areas, I would be happy to include it with an appropriate credit. So there won't be anything written by me in this guide covering the Arena, Outposts (in My Base), Domination in Clans or developing a clan with several members and nothing on Drone operations either. There are parts of the game that I simply don't have time to play properly. This guide is primarily intended for those less experienced in the game and does not attempt to cover everything. Note that this game is frequently updated so parts of this guide may not reflect the latest version of the game. (I go by the name "Killing Machine in this game - from the title of a Judas Priest album). No part of this guide may be reproduced, translated or posted online without the express consent of the author.Ĭerberusiv June 2020.